New and Improved

The Zeno is one of the newest technologies invented to reduce and eliminate imperfections. The Zeno combines the latest scientific, medical, and electronic technology. It uses Clear Point technology with a low level heat dose to trigger a self destruction response to the bacteria causing acne. The Zeno is natural, chemical-free, safe, and painless. Using the Zeno will not make the skin dry or flaky. You simply place the Zeno on your pimple and it "reads" your skin. It then delivers controlled heat directly to the affected area. Treatments last two and one-half minutes, which is the amount of time needed to read your pimple and produce a low level heat dose that will not hurt. Many blemishes will begin to disappear after one treatment. The Zeno can be used before special events such as prom and yearbook picture day, or during your hygiene routine everyday.